Sunday, December 15, 2013


It really is nice to glance back at old pictures and think about the memories that accompany them.  The fishing, the people, the places and the good times that took place in the past.  Luckily, the internet makes a darn good place to store these pictures! 

Simple but extremely effective shad jigs I tied.

Good friends read for a surf launch at the CBBT

Dinner :)

Good friend and fisherman, Jeff, with a dandy perch in February

Just never could break that 30" mark 

There is just something about cypress trees....

Warm winter bucket mouth

Whose tongue is bigger?

Nice dinner stringer

A good mess of fish

May be my PB crappie, not sure

James River slimer

A nice early spring smallie

Friend and previous KayakWars teammate bowed up

Here kitty, kitty 

A winter day in the swamp

Beautiful RVA

<3 All smiles 

Good times

Girls getting the slime on!

Two awesome grandmas!

Not a bad spring run fish

James river gettin' bowed up!

Snow drifts still around in August? Yes sir!

8,000ft, crystal clear, alpine lake


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